Step By Step Breakdown

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Step 1

R Back Stance, L dbl fist mid blk, L fwd stance, R Punch

Step 2

dbl kick (R /L), Kihap, L fwd stance, L mid blk, l/r dbl mid punch

Step 3

r fwd stance, r mid punch

Step 4

pivot turn L into r fwd stance, L low block, r face block

Step 5

l fwd stance, SLOWLY l fist to r shoulder, r fist uppercut under

Step 6

crossed stance extend foot into fwd stance, r low blk, l high blk

Step 7

r fwd stance, SLOWLY r fist to l shoulder, l fist uppercut under

Step 8

L 270* turn into r back stance, l dbl knife mid blk

Step 9

L fwd stance, r mid punch

Step 10

r front kick return to org pos, r tiger stance, r palm heel mid blk

Step 11

pivot L to l tiger stance, l dbl knife hand mid blk

Step 12

l front kick, l fwd stance, r mid punch

Step 13

l tiger stance, l palm heel mid blk

Step 14

r turn into r tiger stance, r dbl knife hand mid blk

Step 15

r front kick, r fwd stance, l mid punch

Step 16

r tiger stance, r palm heel mid blk

Step 17

r turn into l back stance, r dual down block

Step 18

dbl kick (L/R), Kihap, r fwd stance, r mid blk, l/r mid punch

Step 19

L 270* turn into r back stance, l knife mid blk

Step 20

l fwd stance, r elbow face strike

Step 21

l fwd stance r backfist to face, l mid punch

Step 22

r turn, l back stance, r knife hand mid blk

Step 23

r fwd stance, l elbow to face

Step 24

l backfist to face,r mid punch

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